Garlic Shrimp Spaghetti is an easy and quick pasta dish for the weekday menu. Savory...
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Roast Potatoes Carrots and Onions – Cerag Recipes
Potatoes, carrots, and onions are commonly used ingredients in many cuisines. Simply toss...
Lemon Gooey Butter Cookies Best Ever
Lemon Gooey Butter Cookies – Best EverThese Lemon Sticky Butter Cookies are seven ingredient...
Pepperoni Spaghetti – Cerag Recipes
This 30-minute recipe for pepperoni spaghetti is a crowd-pleaser. You will crave the chunky...
Cheesy and Crunchy Doritos Chicken Casserole – Cerag Recipes
This Doritos cheesy chicken casserole is packed with a creamy and cheesy chicken filling between...
Classic Pecan Pie Cobbler – Cerag Recipes
This easy pecan pie cobbler recipe is just the best. It really can’t get easier to make a dessert...
INGREDIENTS2 cups all-purpose flour2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon baking soda7...
Spaghetti and Stuffed Mozzarella Garlic Bread – Cerag Recipes
This easy, baked spaghetti stuffed garlic bread makes a great family dinner! Crisp garlic bread...
Chicken Pot Pie – Cerag Recipes
This is the best chicken potpie recipe!This homemade Chicken Pot Pie is homey, cozy and will warm...
This baked shrimp is Cajun at its best. Pour the sauce over Cajun Dirty Rice and serve with...